AMIA NSW Membership Guidelines (V2.8)

The AMIA NSW membership program is designed to help the organization streamline the onboarding of members to efficiently and cost-effectively deliver community programs.

AMIA’s yearly programs have included monthly Quran Classes, Kids Fest, Ifthar, Eid Celebrations, Camp, Teenage boys and Girls programs to name a few. To cover the costs of hall bookings, food and other expenses, additional funding to membership fees are necessary. This is particularly important because AMIA NSW is classified as a religious organization, placing us in a higher category for charges such as hall rent compared to non-religious, multicultural organizations.

In addition to membership fees, we strongly encourage members to contribute generously to the organization’s expenses, such as Iftar, which is a major expense with a significant turnout. Members are also encouraged to sponsor events, but this should be done strictly according to the organization’s guidelines.

All members are expected to comply with AMIA NSW organization’s bylaws.

AMIA NSW is a voluntary organization committed to community betterment and promoting the learning of the Quran and Sunnah. All volunteers are unpaid members who support the community. Due to rapid community growth, it is essential to establish plans to ensure adequate support. These include booking venues for events and covering ongoing expenses, which require funding.

Following are the broad guidelines for the Membership Program.

  • Membership are classified into three broad categories:
    • Family membership
      • Family membership is meant for single household or family. Kids up to the age of 21 can be included here. Extended family need to have additional membership [eg: Son in law or daughter in law etc…]
    • Individual membership
      • Meant for any single individual
    • Interstate membership
      • Previous AMIA-NSW members collaborate with AMIA-NSW though they have relocated from NSW to other states in Australia
  • Membership term is annual (12 months basis) and needs to be renewed every year
  • The *fees for AMIA NSW membership are as follows:
    • $25 for an individual membership
    • $70 for a family membership
    • $15 for Inter-state membership
  • Benefits of AMIA NSW Membership:
    • Members with attendance in three consecutive AMIA NSW Monthly Quran Classes will have the right to vote and can be nominated for governing body under AMIA NSW bylaw.
    • Members will get priority to initiate individual charity collections in AMIA Active WhatsApp group with prior approval from AMIA NSW Charity/Shura.
    • Members will have free entry to one of the paid programs.
    • Members will have priority when registering for the AMIA NSW programs.
  • Entry & Renewal Process for Membership:
    • Members must complete an online form to enroll or renew their membership each year. Once enrolled, they will receive a membership ID and a digital receipt via email as proof of their membership
  • Ongoing expenses
    • Membership program aims to meet basic expenses of the organization.
  • Non-Members Support:
    • AMIA NSW operates within the bylaw established by the organization. We continue to support entire community based on the circumstances and within the limit of the organization and local regulations.
    • Joining the membership program is up to each individual. In case any community member faces hardship in meeting the membership amount, the AMIA NSW governing team will carefully consider the application and may either approve or reject it.
    • Non-members are not entitled to voting rights and other benefits from the organization unless such entitlement is specifically approved by the AMIA NSW governing body.
  • Membership scope and cancellations:
    • Scope of this membership covers Australian Malayalee residents within New South Wales. Under some circumstance’s interstate residents, migrants with Indian contact numbers, students etc. can enter to the groups. Time to time review of members will take place with those new joiners and people who are leaving/left the state/country.
    • New member registered with overseas number should change their contact number to Australian number within six (6) weeks from the date of receipt of membership card
    • The AMIA NSW executive board reserves the right to cancel, suspend, or revoke membership if members do not adhere to the organization’s governance rules and policies
    • Membership fees are non-refundable
    • For any conditions or situations not specified in this proposal, AMIA NSW retains the full right to take necessary action with the approval of the executive board
      • * The revision of this fee structure will take place annually

To join the family of AMIA NSW, please click here