السلام عليكم
As most of you already know AMIA NSW has planned to publish a magazine to promote writing generally in our community and specifically our children. To that end, we are also conducting a writing competition for children.
There are two categories: Juniors (5 to 9) and Seniors (10 -14).
There are cash prizes to be won.
Seniors: 1st prize- $50
2nd prize- $25
Juniors: 1st prize- $25
2nd prize $10
The articles can be short stories, poems, travelogues, journals etc. Topics could be Islamic or general (Health, Recipes, etc.). There’s no competition for the adults. But you are welcome to submit article.
Now that the Ramadan and Eid are over, this is a good time to prepare and send in your articles. Please send in your articles to one of the following people.
Kids: Afshan Koya(afshan.koya@gmail.com)
Sisters: Roufa Sajeev(roufa.sajeev@gmail.com),
Brothers: Hashim (hashimmelb@gmail.com).
The deadline for submitting articles is August 20 2016.